Friday 7 September 2007

Power spek aku naik!!!

I paid a visit to Focus Point last night, to get new pairs of contact lenses.. had my eyeballs checked..and eyesight is getting shorter...power naik banyak...!!! Told my other half about this...and he gelak-ed..saying that I am now can be called O-K-U..sungguh cissst..!!!

I think I better invest on a new pair of glasses as I will less depending on this jellyish thing I stick to my lenses must be the culprit of my current need of assistance in viewing things (spek & contact lense la tuh)...yerlaa.. I pour like setengah baldi of chemical into my eyes daily....WARGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!! Ngerilaaa plak!!!

So to those yg tak memerlukan spek....jagalah mata anda!!!

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