Wednesday 28 January 2009

I gained weight..

Baru je balik dari klinik..
Check perut..
sebelum ni, I was advised to gain some weight.. 0.5kg max per month of pregnancy..
And I did...!! 5.5kg..!!! 5 kg extra baggage..

And the nurse changed the tag..from white to green..
(putih untuk kandungan tanpa masalah, hijau shows that you need to pay extra care)

I'll take a very good care of you sweety..just dont tell your ayah..he'll never buy me ice cream love it too..dont you?

2 Pings!!:

13may said...

finally dah updet.... :D

tapi byk plak tuh...balas dendam ker hapa nih? hehhe heheh

btw, take care :)

Cikgu Era said...

13 may : thanx sbb sudi singgah..hehe..ada banyak masa..banyak la tulis..