Wednesday, 28 January 2009

I gained weight..

Baru je balik dari klinik..
Check perut..
sebelum ni, I was advised to gain some weight.. 0.5kg max per month of pregnancy..
And I did...!! 5.5kg..!!! 5 kg extra baggage..

And the nurse changed the tag..from white to green..
(putih untuk kandungan tanpa masalah, hijau shows that you need to pay extra care)

I'll take a very good care of you sweety..just dont tell your ayah..he'll never buy me ice cream love it too..dont you?

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Freakingly Funny

Dah macam jd satu kemestian for my hubby to talk to my tummy..
and nowadays he talks to my tummy more than he talks to me..

He addresses the lil one as Ibee (short form untuk baby kot)
Yang tak tahannya dia selalu tanya his Ibee

" Ibee, masa ayah pegi keje, mama buat apa?"
He put his ears on my tummy and..
" Hah..mama masak maggi?" and he looked at my eyes.." Awak bg Ibee makan Maggi?"

I was shocked..aku rase aku dah buang jejauh plastik maggi tuh..sgala kesan pun aku dah hapuskan...cemana die bulih tau nih!! Takkannnnnnnnlaa..

ada sekali tuh,
"Ibee, mama kat sekolah td buat apa?"
And the ear and tummy thingy again..
" Oooooo...mama meeting..mama kena jadi cikgu rumah hijau yer"
Rase mcm nak terkeluar anak tekak aku..takkan si kecik ni dah pandai komplot dengan bapak die!!! Kena berjaga-jaga...
Erkkk....kadang² ianya agak menakutkan...

p/s: (tutup perut, nanti die bagi tahu bapak die lagi)

Sunday, 25 January 2009

New Entry for the Not- a-Very-New-Year-Anymore

lama giler aku tak update..
dah masuk tahun baru rupenye..kra tahun baru lagi laa..esok lusa Tahun Baru Cina apa..
byk citer tapi tak tahu apa nak citer..
jap washing machine perlukan perhatian..


Cerita 1: I'm 19 weeks Pregnant

pregnancy due date the crucial time is over..
dah takde dah muntah²...fenin² sikit tu adalaaa lagi..
Vitamin M yg masih cukup banyak...sape nk sikit amiklaaa..
aku cuma tak tahan kalau kena berdiri lama²..sgt cepat penat hokayyyyyy...

dah nak masuk 5 bulan..satu hapah barang baby pun aku tak beli lagi..survey je manjang..beli tak jugak..
ok..maybe next month..

Cerita 2: Trip to Sabah

Citer ni happenned about a month ago.. We went to jalan2 together with Gobok's family. Stayed over at Nik's place.. used their second car. Spent RM70 only for the petrol. Very the budget gitu.

Food there was so-so..but seafood was scrumptiously yummy, fresh and MURAHHHHHHHHHH..we were seafood crazy...5 days there..asik melantak seafood jer..and the very best part was, IT was a heavenly trip for mommies ( Both Gobok and Nik has a princess, and me the mommy to be...ahaks).. all we did there was asking for this and that..and we got them in a were only for dads...mamas hanya perlu duduk dan makan...and all shoppings were also done by the dads...fuhhhhhhh..sungguh di syurga!!

There were things like:

Wifey: Cam sedap je kuih tuh..

Hubby : Nak ker?

Wifey: Boleh?

Hubby : Jap..abang gi beli..tunggu sini


Wifey : Wahh..banyaknye gelang..nak satu!

Hubby : Ambiklaa lagi satu, boleh tukar-tukar..

Papa-papa tgh memasak. Seafooood ~droool~

The Smiling Mommas

We went to Kundasang for fresh air...sejuk..very foggy sbb musim hujan..spent a nite..and praying hard the Mighty Kinabalu will push away the tirai from his face tomorrow...

All of Us

Me and Hubby

Sad but true, the next day, Kinabalu was still shyly hide behind the curtains..we went to Ranau for a hot bath at Poring Hot Spring..nice place..and crowded too..

However, he managed to take a peek during our way back to KK...Weeeeeeee..!!